
Showing posts from December, 2017

Pollution crisis in India's cities causing reverse urbanisation as workers flee to countryside

Dr Ruth Kattumuri is quoted in The Independent on air pollution in Indian cities.

Calls for greater fossil fuel divestment at anniversary of Paris climate deal

Lord Stern calls on Europe to take a lead on carbon pricing. He said the current price on carbon under the European emissions trading scheme was too low, and called for a price of $40 to $80 a tonne of carbon dioxide by 2020 in order to reach the Paris agreement goals.

One Planet Summit: Quotes of the day

"Fossil fuels must be confronted with their real costs, and polluters must pay if markets are to work and emissions are to fall at the rate necessary to deliver the Paris goals. However, a carbon price by itself cannot deliver the required design of cities and networks that will be crucial to reducing emissions on the scale necessary. Carbon pricing must be supported by other policies to drive the low-carbon transition." Lord Stern.

Paris wants to put finance at the service of the climate

"Under the Coalition for Carbon Pricing, Nicholas Stern and Joseph Stiglitz, Chairs of the High-Level Commission on Carbon Pricing, estimate ranges of $ 40 to $ 80 in 2020 and $ 50 to $ 100 in 2030 would make it possible to influence the choices of the economic actors in order to respect the Paris agreement."